Wednesday 20 August 2014

  NAWW,ain't that little wittle dinobaby kewttt? Yes it is, it is isn't it? XD
Do any of you remember Mulan's grandmama? How she had that 'ain't nobodeh got time fo' THAT' attitude? You gotta admit, she was preeeetty damn kewl. So was Edna from The Incredibles. And now imma go, because this is all I could come up with. So.

Friday 15 August 2014

Hey Holidays

Hey there internet and world and universe and internet and Jedi (should I even say that?). So sorry we couldn't post anything but both Rhea and I (Bibienne) were busy pretending to study for our exams which just ended yesterday and now we are on holiday so yeah. And don't be surprised if there's another vlog coming up. 

It's a surprise. 

Watched any good movies lately? I heard The Fault In Our Stars were pretty good. TCA (Teen Choice Award [2014]) nominated them for nearly everything connected to movies and they won most of them. 

How's life? Mine's going well. Boring though.

Oh well nice seeing you people and hope you'll get to see a random video of both of us again. If you haven't seen our first one go and check it out. It was really awkward but um... yeah hope the new ones or the future ones wont be as awkward but more fun. 

So YAY! 

Tuesday 29 July 2014


Now if you are on holidays, you probably feel free to do whatever you want. Rhea gets to anyways. I don't (Bibienne here). I on the other hand, have to study instead of enjoying my free time by writing. But NOOOO. Study comes first, quote by my parents. And I have no privilege to have fun. Not that I am not grateful that I have parents who want me to study. But I need to chill too. 

You know I believe that school already makes me study thank you very much. 

But parents are parents and let me just be grateful that I am allowed to live with my parents and go to an awesome school and get to have friends like Rhea. Thank me Rhea XD. But anyways I think I end here? Is it? By the way I was the one who posted the long post the other day. Forgot to sign out. 

Peace out. 

Tuesday 22 July 2014


We have all had that experience where kids don't like teachers. Welcome to our world! Basically, don't mind us ranting about our school life which seems to be every kids school life. We aren't having any summer holidays. Yes people from America we're not from America. We are from MALAYSIA TRULY ASIA.... quote song if you have heard of it.

Since our school is international. You probably think that the holidays are like those in America where you get two months of freedom, fun and not to mention boredom. Well our school (let us remind you INTERNATIONAL) follows the government holidays.This makes us look as if we don't have a life or take vacations.

At least we have fun while we're at it but NOOO we have to face the gang of abominable teachers (especially Science and Geography). Not to be mean, like we both have our favorite teachers and all that but ehem those two teachers... well they aren't our... favorite. We have major issues with both of these teachers. One of them, we call her the butterfly, she is just not the type to be all buddy buddy with. She reeks first of all so WARNING TO HEALTH : if you stand to close to this teacher, you won't be hanging out with your friends for quite some time. Next she has this thick accent that non of us can understand.

The second teacher, let's just call her the preschool teacher, just doesn't teach. She is a perfectionist. She makes people's work look as if they were crap. You know if she were the English teacher I think she would probably give us an essay on why our work looks so crappy to her. Another thing about this teacher, is that she uses powerpoint and then just leaves it there for us to copy the answers. What is she teaching us to do? Become thieves or people who don't get jobs or something.

Yeesh. If you have teachers like that let us know maybe we can give advice on how to avoid teachers like that.... but it would be good if you could help us. We are already bunking classes so yeah.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


SOSOSOSOOOOO. THE FISH POND IS FINALLY WORKING! :D YAYY *group of children saying YAY-sound effect*

People can feed fish now! :D


What I really wanted to talk about was my first(not actually my first-just the first that one that looks 'impossibly' hard to make >.<)rainbow loom bracelet!


Aaaand those are my bracelets!  :P 

 I kinda hate how they scrunch up when you take them off and look ugly and teeeny. .-.

 Sooo yeah. Byezz! @.@

Friday 4 July 2014

Frogehhh pic 


This pic was from IFLS' page on Facebook, I kinda forgot who took it, it was a name starting with a... P? Pentrix Something I think O.o

I thought it was pretty cute so I decided to show my-our- somewhat non-existent readers xD When I  saw it I instantly thought of Totoro, you know that big bear that always has that leaf on its head? Yea, that one. Hangon, I'll just show you guys a pic of it :3

                                 [Credits to ThatCrookedMind from DeviantArt]

I LOVE this GIF, it's just so awesome :3 Don't you think so too??

This is just a random rannndom post that I typing out at 12 AM, because it's cute and I wanted to share it with peeps out there so... SAYONARA and this is Rheeeeses signing out! •∞•

PS: I just love saying that 'I'm signing out' so don't mind me and keep going xD

Thursday 3 July 2014


  So HEYSOH MAYOSH-KINDOF-ISH.IDK. Thiz iz Rheyah.Nah jk, it's Rhea, ya know, dat godde-oh SORRY, Titaness or Titanness? There are red lines under both .-. Well i'm a bird(yes,yes a BIRD) and a moonnnnn :D Well I'M not any of that. Just. My name is. XD That does NOT make sense. Anywayssssss. Me. Bibi(Bee,Bibienne,Bb***h,whatever you call 'er). Blog. Togedah. So....